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We are very glad and excited about getting accepted to the NSF I-Corps Program! Congratulations to Ariel Rogers.


We are excited about and welcome two new undergraduate students (Kaitlin Callies, and Akash Dod) to join our lab!


We are excited about and welcome a new Ph.D. student (Amani Jereb) of the CEMB program to join our lab!


Congratulations to Venkata for his paper being accepted for publication at PLOS ONE!


We received a new grant from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) / National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) to study the fate of antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural reuse water (PI: Dr. Zhang, Co-PI: Dr. Wang and Dr. Savin).


Congratulations to Asmaa Sadoon on passing her defense for her Ph.D. degree!