Single-Molecule & Single-Cell Nanometric Biophysics

Our lab works at the interface among physics, nanotechnology, material science, and biology. We are curiosity and discovery driven. Our current research interest lies in experimentally and/or computationally gaining physics-oriented understanding of (a) the interactions of living systems (e.g., bacteria, fungi) with nano/micro-scale structures and physical agents and (b) the physical properties of biological systems (e.g., motion/diffusion, mechanical properties). We are also interested in developing new physics-based technologies and tools that are applicable to biological systems.

Recent News


Congratulations to Austin Brown for being accepted to Medical School!


Congratulations to Jack Freeland for being awarded an Honors College Research Grant!


Mohammad’s paper (“An Experiment-Based Model Quantifying Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles on Escherichia coli”, a collaboration with Dr. Chen’s group at University of Arkansas) is formally accepted and published by RSC Advances (see Publication).


Dr. Wang received a grant from the Honors College, which will help us to build the second super-resolution fluorescence microscope in our lab.