Single-Molecule & Single-Cell Nanometric Biophysics
Our lab works at the interface among physics, nanotechnology, material science, and biology. We are curiosity and discovery driven. Our current research interest lies in experimentally and/or computationally gaining physics-oriented understanding of (a) the interactions of living systems (e.g., bacteria, fungi) with nano/micro-scale structures and physical agents and (b) the physical properties of biological systems (e.g., motion/diffusion, mechanical properties). We are also interested in developing new physics-based technologies and tools that are applicable to biological systems.
Recent News
We are excited about and welcome two REU students (Jessica Fink and Ryan Yoder) to do research in our lab this summer!
Congratulations to Asmaa for her paper being officially accepted by Physical Review Letters for publication!
We are excited that the PI (Dr. Wang) is officially awarded tenure and promotion to associate professor!
We received a new grant (UA Chancellor’s Gap Fund for Commercialization) for developing bent DNA constructs (PI: Dr. Wang).