*: Corresponding authors.

Submitted Manuscript

  • Krishnamurthi, V. R., Ebeling, E., Kumar, P., and Wang, Y.* (2018) Manuscript on “the hybrid organization of plasmids”. Under review.
  • Khadka, P., …, Wang, Y.* (2018) Manuscript on “antimicrobial mechanism of silver ions”. Under review.


  • Freeland, J., Khadka, P., and Wang, Y.* (2018) Mechanical energy based amplifiers for probing interactions of DNA with metal ions. Phys. Rev. E, accepted.
  • Sadoon, A.A., and Wang, Y.* (2018). Anomalous, non-Gaussian, viscoelastic, and age-dependent dynamics of histonelike nucleoid-structuring proteins in live Escherichia coli. Phys. Rev. E 98, 042411. [pdf]


  • Haque, M., Imamura, R., Brown, G. A., Krishnamurthi, V. R., Niyonshuti, I. I., Marcelle, T., Mathurin, L. E., Chen, J.#, and Wang, Y.* (2017). An Experiment-Based Model Quantifying Antimicrobial Activity of Silver Nanoparticles on Escherichia coli. RSC Advances, 7: 56173-56182. [pdf]

  • Jiang, S., Park, S., Challapalli, S.D., Fei, J. and Wang, Y.* (2017). Robust Nonparametric Quantification of Clustering Density of Molecules in Single‐Molecule Localization Microscopy. PLOS ONE, 12(6): e0179975. [pdf]

  • Nino, D., Rafiei, N., Wang, Y., Zilman, A. and Milstein. J.N.* (2017). Molecular Counting with Localization Microscopy: A Bayesian Estimate Based on Fluorophore Statistics. Biophysical Journal, 112(9): 1777–85. [pdf]
  • Wang, Y.* (2017). Spatial Distribution of High Copy Number Plasmids in Bacteria. Plasmids, 91: 2–8. [pdf]


  • Wang, Y.*, Penkul, P., and Milstein, J. N.* (2016). Quantitative localization microscopy in combination with DNA smFISH reveals new features of the organization of high-copy number plasmids in bacteria, Biophysical Journal, 111:467–79. [pdf]


  • Wang, Y., Cai, E., Rosenkranz, T., Ge, P., Teng, K. W., Lim, S. J., Smith, A. M., Chung, H. J., Sach, F., Green, W. N., Gottlieb, P., and Selvin, P. R. (2014). Small quantum dots conjugated to nanobodies as immunofluorescence probes for nanometric microscopy, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 25(12): 2205–2211. [pdf]
  • Cai, E., Ge, P., Lee, S. H., Jeyifous, O., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Wilson, K. M., Lim, S. J., Baird, M. A., Stone, J. E., Lee, K. Y., Davidson, M. W., Chung, H. J., Schulten, K., Smith, A. M., Green, W. N., and Selvin, P. R. (2014). Stable small quantum dots for synaptic receptor tracking on live neurons, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 53(46): 12484–12488. [pdf]
  • Wang, Y.#, Cai, E.#, Sheung, J., Lee, S. H., and Selvin, P. R. (2014). Fluorescence Imaging with One-Nanometer Accuracy (FIONA), Journal of Visualized Experiments, 91:e51774. [pdf] (#: Equal Contribution)
  • Wang, Y., Liu, Y., DeBerg, H. A., Nomura, T., Hoffman, M. T., Rohde, P. R., Schulten, K., Martinac, B., and Selvin, P. R. (2014). Single molecule FRET reveals pore size and opening mechanism of a mechano-sensitive ion channel. eLife, 3, e01834. (In the News) [pdf]
  • Wang, Y., Fruhwirth, G., Cai, E., Ng, T., and Selvin, P. R. (2013). 3D super-resolution imaging with blinking quantum dots. Nano Letters, 13(11), 5233–5241. [pdf]
  • Wang, Y., and Zocchi, G. (2011). Viscoelastic Transition and Yield Strain of the Folded Protein. PLoS ONE, 6(12), e28097. (In the News) [pdf]
  • Qu, H., Wang, Y., Tseng, C. Y., and Zocchi, G. (2011). Critical torque for kink formation in double-stranded DNA. Phys. Rev. X, 1, 021008. [pdf]
  • Wang, Y., and Zocchi, G. (2011). The folded protein as a viscoelastic solid, Europhysics Letters, 96, 18003. [pdf]
  • Wang, Y., and Zocchi, G. (2010). Elasticity of globular proteins measured from the AC susceptibility, Phys. Rev. Lett., 105(23), 238104. (Editor’s Suggestion; highlighted by the Physics Spotlighting Exceptional Research and Materials 360) [pdf]
  • Qu, H., Tseng, C. Y., Wang, Y., Levine, A. J., and Zocchi, G. (2010). The elastic energy of sharply bent nicked DNA, Europhysics Letters, 90, 18003. (In the News) [pdf]
  • Wang, Y., and Zocchi, G. (2010). Shape of fair weather clouds, Phys. Rev. Lett., 104(11), 118502. (Invited to APS Press Conference) [pdf]
  • Wang, Y., Wang, A., Qu, H., and Zocchi, G. (2009). Protein-DNA chimeras: synthesis of two-arm chimeras and non-mechanical effects of the DNA spring, J Phys Condens Matter, 21(33):335103. [pdf]
  • Lai, F., Wang, Y., Li, M., Wang, H., Song, Y., Jiang, Y. (2007). Determination of optical constants and inhomogeneity of optical films by two-step film envelope method, Thin Solid Films, 515(11), 4763-4767. [pdf]
  • Fan, H. Y., and Wang, Y. (2006). Study Hankel Transforms and Properties of Bessel Function via Entangled State Representation Transformation in Quantum Mechanics, Commun. Theor. Phys., 45, 819–824. [pdf]
  • Fan, H. Y., and Wang, Y. (2006). Generating Generalized Bessel Equations by Virtue of Bose Operator Algebra and Entangled State Representations, Commun. Theor. Phys., 45, 71–74. [pdf]