08/2018: We currently have several RA positions in the lab, and are actively recruiting one (1) Ph.D. student and two (2) undergraduate students, starting in Fall 2018.
| Current Members | Alumni | Recruiting | Photos |
Current Members
Principal Investigator
- Dr. Yong Wang. Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, University of Arkansas
Email: yongwang@uark.edu | Office: Physics 215 | Office Tel: 479-575-4313 | Lab Tel: 479-575-3169
Postdoctoral Research Associates
- Dr. Prabhat Khadka. (May 2017 – Present)
Graduate Students
- Benjamin Russell. Ph.D. student [Physics] (Dec 2017 – Present)
- Venkata Krishnamurthi. Ph.D. student [Physics] (Dec 2016 – Present)
- Asmaa Sadoon. Ph.D. student [MicroEP] (Jul 2016 – Present)
- Meaad Alqahtany. M.S. student [CEMB] (Jan 2017 – Present)
Undergraduate Students
- Jack Freeland. (Sept 2016 – Present)
- Sai Divya Challapalli. M.S. student [MicroEP] (Feb 2016 – Dec 2017, working as a research associate at the University of Arkansas)
- Mohammad Haque. M.S. [EE] (Jul 2016 – Aug 2017, pursuing Ph.D. Degree at the University of Tennessee)
- Janet Peifer. REU student from Juniata College (Summer 2017)
- Ariel Rogers.REU student from Truman (Summer 2017)
- Emily Ebeling. REU student from Truman (Summer 2016)
- Jun Yin. Visiting/Exchange undergraduate student from USTC (Summer 2016)
- Jack Jiang. High School Student Intern (Summer 2016, pursuing B.S. degree at the University of California, Berkley)
- George Austin Brown. (Apr 2016 – May 2018)
- Tiffany Marcelle. (Aug 2016 – May 2018)
- Collin Brown. (Nov 2016 – May 2018)
Join us! The laboratory is recruiting highly motivated graduate students, postdocs, undergraduate students, and visiting scholars to form an interdisciplinary team. Please feel free to contact Dr. Wang, or stop by his office or lab!
Postdoc Positions: Please send me your CV by email if you find a good fit to our group.
Graduate Students: Our group is interdisciplinary (physics, biology, and nanotechnology) and we welcome extremely motivated students to join the group. Motivation is more important than anything else (e.g. don’t worry at all even if you don’t know anything about biology).
Undergrad Students: We welcome motivated undergraduate students to join our group. We also encourage undergraduate students to publish their research results.
Visiting Ph.D. students and Scholars: We welcome highly motivated visiting scholars to join us.
Group Photo @ 04/17/2018